PRUSSIANI USA LLC, St. Louis, introduces the TORNADO 3-axes CNC production center from Prussiani Engineering of Albano Saint’Alessandro, Italy.

The machine, designed to utilize the full power of CNC in a reduced format for cutting and polishing sink holes, features a 19 HP spindle operating at up to 10,000rpm, and provides for automatic change of up to 9 standard ISO 40 tools.
Parts of 1cm-4cm thickness and widths of 15 ¼”-30 ½” can be fed into the machine on a manual-roller system. The unit’s active production area for sink cutouts is 37 3/8” X 24 ¼”, and the Automatic Locking System (ALS) holds parts in place without the use of suction cups. Workpiece positioning is fast and simple with the to the Quickzero™ reference system; workers need one-day training to operate the machine.
CONTACT: Prussiani USA LLC,, 314-533-6500