CAESARSTONE, Charlotte, N.C., introduces Caesarstone Mineral™, a premium low-silica sustainable surface made from a unique blend of natural minerals and recycled materials.
A new generation of surfaces, Caesarstone Mineral offers the same durability, performance, and aesthetic as quartz, while reducing crystalline silica content from 90% to 40% or less.

The first three mineral slabs in this new offering are part of the Time Collection, featuring contemporary designs as well as a new material. They are: Solenna, a bone-white background overlayed with prominent earthy veins mixed with putty grey lines; Dreamy Carrara, a silky white ground veined in a mesh uniting sedimentary veins and earthy grey and bluish undertones with darker streaks, and; Brillianza, crystalline and frosty white details over a cool-grey base touched with powder-peach accents.
Dreamy Carrara is available in a honed finish, while Solenna and Brillianza are both polished. Slab sizes are 120” X 56.5”, in both 2- and 3-cm thicknesses.
CONTACT: Caesarstone, 877-978-2789