A disruptive bit of harmony in natural stone from Antolini Luigi & C.
Product Talk
SURFACES: More Sintered in 2cm
TheSize adds 13 patterns to its line of 2cm Neolith slabs.
INSTALLATION: Color-Matching Adhesives
Rockstar Diamond offers surface/adhesive pairing with 156 colors, product-specific charts.
SURFACES: New Quartz Colors
Five new looks in quartz surfaces from Cambria®.
INSTALLATION: Large Tile Mortar
Mortar specifically formulated for stone, large tile from LATICRETE.
HARDSCAPE: Split-Face Veneer
Larger design area for Versetta Stone ®manufactured stone panels available from Boral North America.
Diamut, Terminator cutting and shaping tools now available from Braxton-Bragg.
HARDSCAPE: Limestone Pavers
Two new sizes and three new finishes from Indiana Limestone Co.
HARDSCAPE: Brick Profile
Matte black and dusty white finishes in manufactured stone veneer from Eldorado Stone.
MAINTENANCE: Quartz-Surface Care
Complete maintenance system for quartz, engineered-stone and tile surfaces.